Page 28 - Telebrasil - Setembro/Outubro 1981
P. 28
T E L E B R A S/in 1972, the government de S E R V I C E C O M P A N I E S /The
cided to operate the telecom m unications services country possesses as regarding consulting services se
through state controlled companies. A holding com veral firms:
pany was created "Telebrâs" which acquired the share
control of the concessionary companies and aggregated a) to make demand surveys by area or by subscriber of
them into one main operating company by each state of telecommunications services, telecommand, telemetr-
Brazil, called representative "pole com pany'. Telebrâs ing, and data transmission.
attributions are: to plan the telecommunications public b) to elaborate technical-economical viability studies for
services; to administrate the Federal Government share the above mentionned services;
participation of the system companies; to coordinate c) to effectuate technical projects and equipment
and give them technical and administrative assistance; specifications;
to promote the obtainment of financial resources inside d) to promote and/or to advise the customer in the ac
and outside the country; to incite the education and quisition of equipment and contractingT)f services in
training of personnel; to stimulate telecommunications different areas;
research and development; to elaborate plans on a e) to provide lectures or specialized courses in the tech
general level, in accordance with the Ministry basic nical, economical, administrative and human resources
policies; to promote and stimulate national industry de fields.
To promote the exportation of these services including
equipment installation, the trade companies rely on the
E1VIB R A T E L / Embratel was constituted in administrative and financial guidance of a specialized
1965, before both the Ministry and Telebras were cre association of export companies (trading).
ated, with the objetive of implementing the basic sys
tem of telecommunications and developing the long
distance and international systems.
I N D U S T R Y /in Brazil there are approxi
mately 3000 electric/electronic industries, 70% of them
To be able to carry its mission, Embratel relied on the
National Telecommunications Fund's resources, which making electronic equipments, parts and inputs, with
is an additional tariff falling upon all the telecomunica- 10% being of medium and large size. Since the last de
cade, the average production increase has always been
tions public services.
superior to 15%, reaching 16,5% in 1980, in spite of a de
creasing in the last quarter. Last year, the total produc
The offer-of better services unveiled such a demand that
it made possible, with the users provided resources, a tion value was about 3,4 billion dollars divided as
follows: 2,7 billion dollars for the communications area;
huge expansion of the telecommunications system and
services, among which we can notice: 700 million dollars for the telecommunications area;
1,85 million dollars for broadcasting receivers only and
40 million dollars for the broadcasting professional
— Telex (national, international and data bank access)
— Data communications
— Video Signal Distribution
— Video Conference (Executive TV)
— Communications satellite and submarine cables At the present moment, there are more than 90 com
panies providing equipemnts and parts for the National
— Coastal communications including the use of Inmarsat
Telecommunications System; 31 of which have more
than 1 million of capital. In most of them, we find either
major or total national participation.
P O L E - C O M P A N I E S/The repre-
sentative "pole-companies" and Embratel, all of them The area is today the more nationalized of the Brazilian
subsidiaries of the state "holding" company, constitute electronic industry and possesses human resources
the Telebras System. Together with some small auton able to nationalize or develop telecommunications
omous remaining companies, these companies operate equipments.
the local and intermunicipal telephone services and Table 1
use rented lines and circuits to provide the remainder COMMERCIAL BALANCE OF THE
services in their concession area. The ensemble of these TELECOMMUNICATIONS
companies and services constitute the National Tele
com m unication System , which covers the whole VALUES IN MILUON OF DOLLARS
country. ITEM
1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
102,5 104 63,8 35 43 30,3
P O S T O F F I C E ( E C T )/In 1969 the Industrial
Post Office became a state company attached to the Companies 249 161 117,6 68,5 68,1 69,4
Communications Ministry. From then on, the company TOTAL 351,5 265 181,4 103,5 111,1 99,7
showed a large efficiency in providing its services with a
15% per year rate of increase. Its services were mod EXPORTS 15 30,9 25,0 36,0 37,6
ernized by using an automated mail switching system, COMMERCIAL BALANCE 351,5 254,5 150,4 78,5 75,1 62,1
and also by the intensive use of night air transportation (Negative)
integrated with land transportation. The tariff updating
NB: This indudes 31 industrial companies and all the telephone service operating companies.
allowed independency from the Union's financial aid.