Page 33 - Telebrasil - Setembro/Outubro 1981
P. 33
E C O N O M Y A N D F I N A N However the cutting into service of current expansions
(Chart 4) and the increase in productivity have brought
C E S / In order to provide the financial equilibrium of some alleviation to the area, which permits the admission
the System, the National Telecomunications Fund (FNT) to a slow but secure return to the wanted balanced situa
was transferred from Embratel to Telebrâs, with the pur tion. The correction of the economic distortions shown
pose of purveying to its administrative expenses, to its so into figure 1, shall secure the development take off with
cial policies and to the state pole-companies (operating rates such as to reacquire the necessary system accelera
telcos) necessities. tion.
Graphic 2
To accelerate the development of local services, the state
companies started to receive approximately 90% of the toll
calls revenues. The autofinancing (that is the prospective
subscriber participation) together with the depreciation
which became accelerated and the updating of tariff Consolidated debt x Available Resources
values, as well as the establishment of multimetered ser Values in Cr$ billions of 1980
vices, contributed to increase the resources of the system
companies. With this, besides, the betterment of the grade Accumulated
of service, the repressed demand has also been satisfied. Consolidated transfer of
Debt FNT to FND
The creation of the vertical services, of DDD and IDD, Accumulated Debt minus
insufficiency of available resources
gave to the country a grade of service which approached remuneration
international technical standards, whereas the telephone
160,0- Cr$ bilhões
density, actually with 634 telephones per 100 inhabi
tants. (see Table 3) is not still satisfactory.
With the purpose of increasing the telephone volume
from 2 to 8 millions, in a short time delay, besides using
the already referred domestic resources, the system also
resorted to the international financing community.
The high rate of the domestic inflation, the international
increase of the bank rates and the Cruzeiro maxidevalua 80,0-
tion, in 1980, resulted into great difficulties for several sys
tem companies and in consequence, the acquisition con 60,0-
tracts decreased accordingly.
The substantial transfer of part of the National Telecom
munications Fund (FNT) to the National Development 20,0-
Fund (FND) contributed to aggravate the telecommunica
tions area situation, mainly for the private enterprise sec
1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
tor, in which it was more felt the burden of the national
economy outlook, aggravated by the international reces
Chart 5
( 1 .0 0 0 )
Capital Investment Indicators
In service Running Immobilized
1972 NA NA NA
1973 9.770.415 3.389.794 NA
1974 13.262.387 7.257.044 5.846.560
1975 18.136.198 13.103.690 10.265.240
1976 35.917.004 25.983.205 21.545.886
1977 63.924.555 30.302.057 22.227.480
1978 140.259.179 50.755.901 25.843.718
1979 255.320.755 78.072.945 40.589.849
1980 340.836.900* 102.819.800* 55.377.400*
Preliminary Data
NA = Not available